Naturz Brew Darjeeling Black Tea
Darjeeling Black Tea
Finally, there are the Darjeeling Third Flush teas, more commonly called “Autumn Flush” or even “Autumnal,” known for their large leaves. Careful tending of the garden after the Second Flush is a must, whether or not a Monsoon Flush harvest is attempted, to prepare for this flush. Weeding is essential as is a good fertilizing since the tea plants will do most of their growth during Autumn. They aren’t always available (weather conditions have to be just right). In mid-September the monsoon season ends and the tea plants resume growth until October and November when they are harvested. The leaves produce a very dark leaf that steeps up a full-bodied and naturally fruity flavoured tea (the buds contain more sap than normal due to slower growth). The ones that do make it to market typically have a coppery coloured liquid and a nice round taste, quite suitable as a breakfast tea and stronger than the Second Flush